Here is the original text from the Colorado Disc Sports Association Blog post on Feb 1, 2019. I wanted to make sure everyone understands that this change is for the better and nothing to worry about.
Seems like the 2018-2019 disc golf off season has been an incredibly turbulent with lots of changes and rearrangements. Tons of players and companies are finding refuge under different roofs, including some of the top players is the world. Even locally here in Colorado there seems to be a lot more companies running disc golf tournaments. Well, there must be something in the air as the CDSA is going through some changes as well.
The CDSA website homepage explains our status and future goals, but in general we are going to move our focus to an education and preservation organization with a long term goal of a Colorado Frisbee Hall of Fame or Frisbee History Museum or both. Therefor all tournaments previously run by the CDSA will now be run by a new company started by our president, PeaceJames CO. Nothing to worry about here. Just a new name for events run by the same person as before with same priorities of fun and camaraderie while growing the sport. #CDSA #ColoradoDisc #ColoradoDiscGolf #SolsticeSoiree #PeaceJamesCO